ENEMIES: From War to Wisdom Episode 19: Once Again, What is the Human Self?

Episode 19 August 01, 2019 01:00:36
ENEMIES: From War to Wisdom Episode 19: Once Again, What is the Human Self?
ENEMIES: From War to Wisdom
ENEMIES: From War to Wisdom Episode 19: Once Again, What is the Human Self?

Aug 01 2019 | 01:00:36


Show Notes

Most of us find it confusing to see/hear/feel “the self.” We somehow believe it’s inside our bodies or is the same thing as our bodies. But the self is no thing. It does not exist as a thing anywhere, but instead is an interactional process that we begin to practice when we are about 18 months old and have the experience that we are “inside” this body and the world is “outside.” That sets up the experience of “I am” and “you are” that is always a unitary self/other interactional process. In this podcast, we will once again investigate that mysterious sense that we see/hear/feel as a “thing” called “self.” And then we also look at why this assumptions makes it easy to create enemies and defend ourselves in the face of emotional threat.

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