We all recognize Real Dialogue when we encounter it: people speak only for themselves and listen, really listen, to others. In times of conflict, opposition and emotional warfare, Real Dialogue seems impossible — but it is the only way to avoid schisms, active and passive aggression, and alienation. In this podcast we talk about the skills and insights of Real Dialogue and why it’s different from Conflict Resolution and non-violent communication. Real Dialogue requires emotional maturity, truth-telling, and the mindful ability to be in touch with your own feelings and thoughts without automatically discharging or expressing them. Real Dialogue is the only method that will always help us find the path from war to wisdom.
In this episode, we will talk about the theory offered by contemporary cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman to explain why our natural desires and fears...
Most of the time, we are walking around talking to ourselves in a manner that strongly affects how we feel about ourselves and others....
There are many public debates about “free speech” in terms of limiting “hate speech” that includes insults, hostility, or slander against others, especially “vulnerable...