In North American society, we make war on our enemies, opposing ideals, cancer, drugs, bullying, and false news. What do we mean and what does this attitude imply? In this podcast, we will talk about the implications and consequences of imbuing our deepest ideals and beliefs with meanings of hostility, conflict, strife, and competition between opposing forces. In place of “both/and” thinking in regard to life/death, health/disease, good/bad, virtuous/evil, victim/perpetrator, we assign “either/or” ways of understanding. And hence, we are often at war in our lives and our societies. In this podcast, we will show that embracing truth and kindness in our approach to self and other keeps us from being at war.
(Part 1) Why are even simple topics often difficult to discuss, especially if people have different viewpoints? Underlying many confusions and animosities in human...
What is the meaning of conflict? Why do the exact same conflicts often recur repeatedly and not lead to any solutions? In this episode,...
There are many public debates about “free speech” in terms of limiting “hate speech” that includes insults, hostility, or slander against others, especially “vulnerable...